How important is your neighborhood to your life?



Here are some thoughts to consider!


1. One of your greatest assets is your home.

2. Homeowners statistically accumulate greater financial wealth over time.

3. Your neighborhood strongly influences your family life and the activities you can enjoy.

4. Your home is only as valued as your neighborhood.  A beautiful home in an undesirable area suffers from its location.

5. Visitors to your neighborhood look for these desirable items.

  • How much pride is there in ownership?  Do homeowner care for their homes?
  • Is there a low crime rate?  Is this a safe area?
  • How good are the schools?  Will my children thrive here?
  • Are there outdoor activities nearby?
  • Am I located close to quality healthcare?
  • Is the area friendly to families?
  • Is there good public transportation and access?
  • Is there nearby shopping?
  • Are there fun places nearby?
  • Can I comfortably walk in my neighborhood?

6. A strong Homeowners Association contributes to the value of your life and home!


Read more about what makes a neighborhood truly great HERE!